His Helpers Ministry

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Welcome to His Helpers Ministry

At His Helpers Ministry, our mission is for God to mold you into a purpose-filled vessel, pointing all grace and glory back to Him.

Uniting people with purpose

Welcome to His Helpers Ministry Church! We are glad you are here; our mission is to unite you to God and to your purpose. At His Helpers Ministry Church, you can find meaningful connections, tools to grow in your faith, and opportunities to make a difference in the world.

Making the decision to follow Christ is the greatest decision of your life, and as a church family we are here to support you every step of the way! Watch the video below from Pastors Joe and Lori to hear more about salvation, then read on for some resources and ways you can connect to Christ and the church.

Serve opportunities at His Helpers Ministry

Outreach is not just something we do, it’s who we are as a church. Find out how you can get involved in serving your community.

Visit the Serve page for more information on how you can get involved.

Our upcoming events

We have live, in-person teaching pastors at all of our locations!



Pray First

We are dedicated to helping you build your prayer life, find some helpful tools below, and join us on Saturdays to get started.


Baptism is a public demonstration of your faith

An important step of obedience that shows others we have personally trusted Jesus for our salvation.

Be partner with His Helpers Ministry Church

Why we give?

We strive to reach people both locally and globally with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ and your tithes and offerings enable us to fulfill that mission.

Ways to give online

Give a one-time gift or create an account to make recurring contributions.